Wednesday, December 11, 2013

MOON 6 ~ radiative kweak1 of LOVE

a new TreeKweak cycle at the VERGE
seal MOON on URdaya

lets take this one as a prepaired entry

Lzard may loose its tail 
-a serpent alike-

but then
it grows another one

from a new beginning

the NOO beginning



pencil / calligraph
& & &

3 times a daya
as intens u offer at that interval

dawn ~ noon ~ eve

~  live the knight away  ~

noosletter lizard moon - service

1 comment:

  1. 1:53:00 AM was the exact timestamp ..

    this relates to ace as 135 , better aec or ZWY from the AH'Lphabet

    & lately my friend steve noted this number 153 as of interest key
    9 to 17 , detailed 3 square to 17 (8)
