Saturday, October 26, 2013

Moon 4 - Kweak TWHO ~ resetting the Dreams

this kweak starts on 10 24
it is birthday for Wil'fred
a passionate thinker
on Servant Nation

a Dutch Contest
for finding number 42

sets focus on number 9 of 
relevant philosophers in our time

the jury is all integral all integer all interdependent 
as pendant

(check your 'rijksburgermeester')
only when at doubt

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Moon 4 - Kweak ONE ~ remembering teachings in a Form

>>> NOOS letter ~ OWL moon in DreamSpell <<<

Remembering the last Kweak 3.3 ~ voidkweak in Moon 3
we see appear the DRAGON again as a kweakseal

which is the SEAL not in the range of 19 Seals

Remember the T'chings 
Column Night till Storm
covers Wind til Sun (2 to 20)
so seal 1 is not in that range

Also we know each day has 3 phases that FORM the miXture
As day 15 is energized by SUN-DRAGON-WIND
day 16 is by WIND-NIGHT--SEED
The white and yellow seals are in DAWN & EVE

while keeping in contact with the calendar
one achieves the essences given by powers and actions
in a harmonic life , phases that interconnect

we know from precious rhythms that those 28 days
close on 11 11 given the ol' calendar as reference
(so day 28 is 11-12-2013)

ancients teachings bring 10 days from that moment till 11-22-2013
(consider it as a celebration delivering the contact)

OWL brings a FORM
setting alternative grid
from which we build anewed

S'ace ~ 022 220 242
white solar wind in DreamSpell (2nd column)
yellow crystal sun in Tzolkin
white galactic wind in TreeKweak (4th column)


releasing this equation
022 220 242 484
is both 11 as 22 synchroneous
2 20 22 44 on 11
1 10 11 22 on 22

Saturday, October 5, 2013

moon 3 ~ third kweak ~ Permanent Learning the Teachings

what is a Cyber Wave ?

Serpent wave is now in its 4th year ..
but then the 4th one always leads the next cyberwave
fruit from those 4 lead by previous 4th year of a cyberwave

~~~entering deeper notions~~

when we sample the GREEN seals this MOON 3
~ Servant Nation Idea Moon ~
then we get on THreeKweak numbers
135 153 171 181
in seals Eagle Skywalker Monkey Dragon
in Intention Mind Alertness Illusion Being

the sum 188 + 353 = 541 = DRAGON
which Tone ??
541 - 260 - 260 => 21 kin
is wave 14 tone 8

Harmonizing Power
on Modelling Action
give Integrity Essence
within the Model Designed


(21 is familiar on Black Jack Tables)

in service to march 2014 ~ Tuningen